Colour Palette

The BGS Colours

Pantone PMS 286

CMYK: 100, 78, 0, 2  |  RGB: 0, 78, 160 |  HEX: #004ea0


Pantone PMS 186

CMYK: 0, 100, 84, 4  |  RGB: 227, 25, 51   |  HEX: #e31933


These colours create a strong and reliable base for the BGS colour palette. The red should be used sparingly ie. not in large solid blocks and only as a highlight.

Swatch Library

Coming soon.

InDesign Import Instructions

  • Find and download the ASE file for the grade of paper you want to use. Save it in a location where you can find it later.
  • Open your swatches palette.
  • Click the flyout menu and choose “Load Swatches.”
  • Navigate to the ASE file.
  • Your swatches will be appended to your current swatches in InDesign. Note that the swatches import as spot colours.

Illustrator Import Instructions

  • Find and download the ASE file for the grade of paper you want to use. Save it in a location where you can find it later.
  • Open your swatches palette.
  • Click the flyout menu and choose “Open Swatch Library,” then “Other Library.”
  • Navigate to the ASE file.
  • Your swatches will open up in a new swatch palette. When you use a swatch from this new palette it will automatically be added to the document swatches.

Photoshop Import Instructions

  • Find and download the ASE file for the grade of paper you want to use. Save it in a location where you can find it later.
  • Open your swatches palette.
  • Click the flyout menu and choose “Load Swatches.”
  • Navigate to the ASE file.
  • Your swatches will be appended to your current swatches in Photoshop.