WordPress guide
About WordPress
WordPress is an Open Source software system used by millions of people around the world to create beautiful websites and blogs. It is completely customisable by the use of themes and plugins. The BGS website is developed on WordPress and works in conjunction with a variety of software to manage our digital requirements.
As well as being a fantastic blogging and content management system, one of the huge benefits is the wealth of information out there. There’s a great community of people behind the design & development of the WordPress system itself. People from all over the world contribute their time, knowledge and skill to keeping WordPress updated and secure.
WordPress powers a staggering amount of websites. In fact, it powers over 25% of the whole web! Everything from personal blogs to large corporate websites.
To request a password please contact Marcomms.
How to login to WordPress

The WordPress Login screen
Before you can make any changes to your site, you will need to log in.
The login for the BGS admin site is found at the URL www.brightongrammar.vic.edu.au/wp-admin
You can tick ‘Remember Me’ to ensure you don’t have to type your username and password every time you enter the BGS site. This feature is dependent on the browser and depending on security settings (the BGS network) the browser may ‘log out’ at various times. It is handy to use the Windows ‘sticky notes’ program on your computer to be able to copy and paste the password directly.
Require a password and guide?
To request a password please contact Marcomms. We will also provide a WordPress guide to relevant staff members.