Email signatures
The email standards are flexible to allow each user to enter the appropriate information at their own discretion. Correct usage is outlined below.
The text permitted for emails should be 11 point Calibri in the colour black.
It is important that the colours and font is not altered to ensure consistent communication across all departments.
Email Signatures
Use basic contact information and include assigned fonts and colors only.
The email signature has been sent as an email to all staff. If you have not received this email or you are a new staff member, please email marcomms to request the email signature.
Include the following information:
- Name
- Title
- On-site hours if neccessary
- Phone number
- Mobile number (if applicable)
Email signature with an attached banner:
An email signature banner is a strip of graphical detail placed below the BGS contact details. The purpose of a banner is to showcase or promote events specifically associated
with the School.
Please email the Marcomms team to seek approval and include all relevant banner details which can include the following information:
- Imagery (Size 600×200 px)
- Dates of the event
- Key points for the banner
Please contact the Marcomms team for any further assistance
Email Signature Tips
- Try not to use long titles. Your primary role should be used as your main titles, not positions of responsibility.
- Use the main phone number where you want to be reached; do not include a fax number.
- Manually input the colors to get the official BGS colors. Do not select a blue or red from the basic colour menu.
- Personal quotations or philosophical statements should not be included as part of your signature. Your email signature is a direct representation of the School’s viewpoint.
IT assistance
Please view the Microsoft Article on how to add/change your signature.
View or download the IT user guide for email signatures (PDF).
For IT attached IT helpdesk on 1300 784 774 (ext 456) or email